Reaching the lost for Christ is at the heart of our ministry. It is the reason Jesus came to the earth and it is the reason that the church was established. That is why at Winds of Change Church we believe that we must be “SWIFT” about reaching the lost because it warms the heart of God.
SWIFT is an acronym which stands for Soul Winning is Father’s Treasure.
Our SWIFT Outreach team hits the streets of Mondeor, Walkerville and Eldorado Park sharing the good news of the gospel with people who may have never heard it before. We have seen great results with many people coming to know Jesus as their personal Saviour.
Our outreach ministry includes the following:
- Nkosi’s Haven
- Orlando Children’s Home
- Touch of life – Pastor Johan Boshoff (Missionary)
- Johan van der Westhuisen (Missionary)
- Jews for Jesus
- Prison Ministry
Should you be interested in finding out more about SWIFT contact the office on 011 941 3203.